Introducing Technology Translated: A Tech Podcast for Non-Techies

Welcome to “Episode Zero” of Technology Translated. This one’s all about what we’ll be talking about, who this show is for, and what you can expect.
I’ve been in the technology trenches since 1996. In that time I’ve watched trends ebb and flow, and taken an active roll in using technology to transform the way businesses operate.
In 2008 I decided it was time to hang out my own shingle. I left corporate America and started a consulting business to help small and medium businesses tackle the web. Since then, my guiding mantra’s have been to always be learning, and to be generous with my knowledge.
Through Technology Translated I look forward to you and I continuing (or starting) that journey together.
In this 6-minute episode I’ll discuss:
- What Technology Translated is going to be
- Who this podcast is for
- The show format
- How to get your technology questions answered
- What you’ll learn in the first 3 episodes
The Show Notes
Introducing Technology Translated: A Tech Podcast for Non-Techies
Scott Ellis: This is Rainmaker.FM, the digital marketing podcast network. It’s built on the Rainmaker Platform, which empowers you to build your own digital marketing and sales platform. Start your free, 14-day trial at
On this episode of Technology Translated — we’ll call it episode zero — I’m going to give you a little introduction on what you can expect on the Technology Translated podcast.
What Technology Translated Is Going To Be
What is Technology Translated? It’s a weekly podcast hosted by me, Scott Ellis, delivering technology insights for your business. Basically, I’ll be having on guests and we’ll be walking you through different aspects of technology — how they apply to business — and explaining them in a way that is meant for business people.
Who This Podcast Is for
We’re not really here to explain technology for techies. We’re here to explain technology and applications of technology for business owners and non-techies. The goal is to help you understand things that you may not already understand well enough. To remove myths and misconceptions about technology and things that touch on technology. And to do everything that we can to give you as unfair an advantage in your business over your competitors as possible.
The Show Format and How to Get Your Questions Answered
Coming up, I’ve got several good guests already lined up. The format of the show will be nice and simple. We will basically be doing two-person interviews. At the end of it, we’re going to have a little Q&A session. If you become a fan of the show — if you like what you hear and you’re getting good information out of it — be sure to follow us on social media. You can follow me @vsellis on Twitter. +Scott Ellis on Google Plus. I am also VSELLIS on Facebook and just about everywhere else. We’ll queue up the next week’s guest so that you have a chance to ask questions and get them answered on the show.
What You’ll Learn in the First Three Episodes
Coming up, right out of the gate in episode one, we are going to have @Giovanni Galucci talking about images. Now, you probably already feel like you have a pretty good grip on using images in your content, using them in your blog post. You know that images are important. We’re going to go a little bit deeper on why and where images are important, marketing with images, image SEO and, most important, usage rights.
There are some really interesting tidbits in this interview coming up with Gio about when you can use images. Where to find images you can use. What are the ramifications of using images that you just find on Google or somewhere else if you don’t have the rights to them. You might be surprised. It can be pretty stiff and pretty steep if you get that wrong. You definitely want to tune in and hear what Gio has to say about images.
He’s going to throw a whole bunch of other interesting little nuggets at you too about image optimization. The SEO stuff is particularly interesting. Again, we’re going to put all this stuff into terms that anybody should be able to understand. If we don’t get something right, feel free to call us out on it and we will correct that.
In episode two I have an old friend and co-worker, Johnny Lee, who is now a managing director and forensic investigator at Grant Thornton. He’s going to be talking to us about e-discovery, records retention, and protecting your business. This is going to get a little deeper and a little heavier in terms of the topics that we’ll cover. But it’s going to teach you a few things about a topic that most people don’t really know much, if anything, about.
While SMB (small to medium-sized business) owners don’t typically need to have a huge e-discovery litigation support plan in place, it is something that we should all be aware of and at least understand some of the best practices. In the event that you find yourself in a lawsuit, what are you supposed to do? What can you do? What should you definitely not do? Johnny is a super-nice, super-smart, very articulate guy. He’s going to walk us through some of those things as they pertain to SMB’s. If you’re interested in protecting your business, don’t miss episode two.
Coming up on episode three, my buddy John B is going to join us. John is going to be talking about website hosting. While this is not necessarily the sexiest topic out there, it is one that has huge implications for any business that operates online. You guys know, if you’re fans of Copyblogger, that most of us have our stuff on the Synthesis Network or on the Rainmaker Platform.
John’s going to walk us through a myriad of options. When to choose which option and make sure that we all understand 1) how the hosting game really works, and 2) how to make the best choice for our business or the type of website that we have and make sure that the host that we choose is providing the best solution for us. He’s got some interesting insights. There’s probably going to be some things in here that you don’t know about hosting that may make you re-think the hosting decisions you’ve made. I would definitely tune into that one as well.
Beyond that, we’ve got a whole lineup of guests. We’re going to be coming at you once a week. I hope you guys can join us. I hope you enjoy Technology Translated. Tell me what you want to learn more about. I will find the guests. I will grill them on the show for you. As always, we’re going to be queuing up the next week’s guests so that you have a chance to ask questions and get an answer on the show.
I’m your host Scott Ellis. Look forward to seeing you guys online.
Technology Translated is brought to you by the Rainmaker Platform, the complete website solution for content marketers and online entrepreneurs. Find out more and take a free, 14-day test-drive at