A Behind the Scenes Look at The Missing Link (We Bare it All)

We share “why” we created the Missing Link podcast with the style and personality that we still use today.
Jon Nastor joins us to share how to run a podcast and the three critical elements to becoming your own Showrunner.
Content marketing has all of the same elements that it always has, but you can learn more about creating powerful content through Audio and how to get started.
In this episode, Jon Nastor, Mica and I talk about how The Missing Link Podcast came to be. You’ll learn what a Showrunner is, if you want to be one, and how you can learn more about starting a podcast …
- Up-to-date Missing Link podcast audience stats
- Determine whether you have the three critical elements needed to be a Showrunner
- Four ways you can be remarkable for your audience
- Three reasons podcasting doesn’t work well with LinkedIn
The Show Notes
- Jon Nastor is on LinkedIn
- Listen to the Showrunner Podcast
- Hack the Entrepreneur
- Join the Podcast Movement in Fort Worth, TX
A Behind the Scenes Look at The Missing Link (We Bare it All)
Voiceover: This is The Missing Link, with your host the insufferable, but never boring, Sean Jackson.
Sean Jackson: Hello everyone, it is Sean Jackson once again. I am joined by the — oh how shall I say — perfectly delightful Mica Gadhia. Mica, how are you?
Mica Gadhia: I am perfectly delightful. I am. Thank you Sean. How are you doing today?
Sean Jackson: I am fantastic! Except for the fact that our executive producer Robert Bruce has just indicated to me that it’s Sweeps Week. Now for those of you out there — you know what that means don’t you? It means we’ve got to get ratings. So Mica, I think it’s about time we go score some ratings.
Mica Gadhia: Okay.
Sean Jackson: I think we’re going to have to reveal it all Mica. I think we’re just going to have to bare it for the audience and tell them exactly how and why we’re putting this show together. Mica, I really think at the end of the day most of the people listening are professional marketers. They’re trying to figure it out how to do it for themselves, for their companies, etc., and LinkedIn being a big part of that.
Mica Gadhia: Right.
Sean Jackson: I think for our ninth episode it would be nice for us to talk a little bit about what we’re doing behind the scenes. And more importantly, how it applies to the whole concept of content marketing and LinkedIn marketing — just marketing in general. What do you think about that Mica, is that a good idea for the show?
Mica Gadhia: I’m ready, yes.
Sean Jackson: Okay, get ready to take it off baby.
Mica Gadhia: I’m ready. I’m ready to bare all.
Sean Jackson: Bare it all. Take off the façade I would say. Here’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to bring on to this show today, Jon Nastor, after our break. If you’ve been following Rainmaker.FM, you’ll know that Jon is the talent behind a number of shows including the very popular Showrunner course that he does with Jerod Moore. I want to bring Jon in — in a little bit after the break. As everyone knows, we do have a lot of information about LinkedIn marketing, don’t we Mica?
Mica Gadhia: Yes, we do.
Sean Jackson: That information —
Mica Gadhia: Definitely information that we’re updating.
Sean Jackson: Yeah. In fact, Mica has been updating it today actually. Right Mica?
Mica Gadhia: Yeah, I updated the promotions with an article from Jason Miller about LinkedIn’s success. I really thought that our audience would love it. Our group members would love it.
Sean Jackson: Exactly. That’s what we’re doing over on the LinkedIn group. You may be asking yourself, if you’re listening to this for the first time, “What the heck is this LinkedIn group they’re talking about?” Well, it’s our super-secret private group that only people who listen to the show know how to get to.
The way that you can get to it is very simple. If you’re in the continental United States, pick up that telephone — that mobile device right in front of you. Go to text messaging. Send a text message to 41411 with the keyword ‘mylink,’ all one word (don’t let it auto-correct). If you’re international like many of our audience are, just send an email to missinglink@Rainmaker.FM and we will send you — whether it’s through the phone or through email — that link to that exclusive group we have on LinkedIn where we’ve got it chocked full of LinkedIn marketing content.
I think you should take the time to do it. And more importantly, our show today is going to tell you why we have been pushing the text messaging — why we are pushing this LinkedIn group. We’re going to talk about some of the behind the scene things that we are practicing and experimenting with, and also share those results with you. Mica, is this revealing enough?
Mica Gadhia: I think it is Sean. I think it is.
Sean Jackson: Well, we’re going to bare all as soon as we get back from the break with our good friend Jon Nastor. Stay tuned everybody.
Voiceover: The Missing Link is brought to you by the Rainmaker Platform. The complete website solution for content marketers and online entrepreneurs. Find out more and take a free, 14-day test drive at Rainmaker.FM\Platform.
Sean Jackson: We are back from the break everyone and joining us is … Mica, who’s joining us?
Mica Gadhia: We have Jon Nastor today, which I’m so excited about.
Sean Jackson: Jon Nastor of Showrunner? Are you —
Mica Gadhia: Showrunner, yeah.
Sean Jackson: Oh my God, Jon are you there?
Jon Nastor: I am absolutely here. Thank you so much for having me.
Mica Gadhia: Yay, Jon!
Sean Jackson: You know it’d be a disservice if I tried to explain all the awesomeness that Jon is. So Jon I’m going to turn that over to you, because you just have some fascinating stories. Tell our audience who the heck you are.
Jon Nastor: Thank you. I’m a podcaster from up in Canada currently living in Vancouver for the summer with my family. And I’m the host of Hack The Entrepreneur for the past year. Brian Clark discovered me there and brought me over to the Rainmaker.FM network when it launched. Now I am the co-host of The Showrunner with Jerod Morris and I’m also the co-creator of the Showrunner Podcasting Course which is launching one week from the date of this airing.
Sean Jackson: Wow, very impressive! Explain to our audience what a Showrunner is, because it’s a fairly unique concept and I want them to understand it first before we kind of dive into it.
Determine Whether You Have the Three Critical Elements Needed to Be a Showrunner
Jon Nastor: Sure, Showrunner is — I’ve actually nailed it down to somebody who can answer affirmatively to three questions. One is, “Do you have a desire to connect with an audience?” My guess is as I’m going over these now, that it’s probably going to be somebody who also wants to connect with people on LinkedIn. It’s that same sort of mindset of content.
The second question they have to answer affirmatively would be, “Will the content you share educate, entertain, or inspire?” And then the third is, “Can you commit to creating content consistently?” If you can answer yes to all three of the those questions, then you are either a Showrunner already or you are set up with your mindset already to become a Showrunner and to start building your own audience.
Sean Jackson: As I told the audience before we got into the break, I wanted to reveal some things behind the scenes: why we’re doing this podcast, what are some of the stats we’re measuring, tracking. Because, at the end of the day, I’ve always felt that our audience is a group of marketers — probably most of which are content marketers to some extent. I want Jon to kind of align why is podcasting in the content marketing space? I think some people may be like, “Well I thought content marketing was just writing a whole bunch of blog posts.”
Jon Nastor: It used to be. But now we have this amazing technology where we can record good quality audio from almost anywhere with our laptops and with a fairly inexpensive microphone. Then we can put that content out into the world. Even the beauty of it further is blogging is still an amazing platform that you should use, but there’s a lot of people being really successful actually just turning their blogs into audio versions of a blog, which is really interesting because there are a lot of people who could be in your audience that just don’t read that much.
Maybe that’s just what it is. We’re spending more and more time on trains, on planes, in cars, and sometimes it’s just hard to read. When you can just listen to somebody in your ears and make that really close intimate connection, because typically I’m right in your ear buds or right in the car with you. That’s an amazing connection to make with an audience.
Sean Jackson: I agree, and that’s one of the reasons when we were putting the Rainmaker FM network together that they came to me to run ‘The Missing Link,’ if you will. The show focused on LinkedIn — to find a different connection. Because, quite frankly, I will tell you it’s hard to get a quality blog post written every single week. Obviously I love talking, so it’s pretty easy to do the show every week.
But I think it’s more important than that. Because, you know it’s funny Jon, I think when we go through this together — I do want to start sharing with my audience, or our audience I should say, a little bit more of the thinking behind our show. I want you to put it into context for me. I’m going to tell you some of our thinking when we were putting this together. I’d like you to either critique it, expand upon it, or talk about how people can use it themselves.
Jon Nastor: Excellent.
Sean Jackson: Let me go through for our audience — when Robert Bruce came to me and said, “Let’s do this show about LinkedIn,” we came up with the name The Missing Link. One of the very first conversations we had, and it was actually a two-hour conversation, was about the tone and format of the show. Now to me, LinkedIn is awesome. But the problem is everyone thinks of LinkedIn as a very professional, wear a tie when you’re using it type of network.
I said, “No, it’s not that. It’s actually very cool. It’s very hip, and it can be very powerful.” We made the intention of the show to be very cutting edge. If you listen to any show on Rainmaker.FM, which I know you do Jon, my tone in this — and Mica and I. The double entendres, the flirtiness of it, almost the off-the-cuff aspect of it — is almost unprofessional, in one sense, which was the intention of the show. I didn’t want to be the stuffy professional guy. Take that. How does that apply to our audience for what they’re thinking about doing?
Jon Nastor: I think that you can take your audience new places. It’s sometimes hard to come across as not that stuffy LinkedIn guy on just a text format. I think that might be why — because, I mean LinkedIn obviously is all textural-based at this point — that it’s hard to not come across as that.
With an audio show your sense of humor comes through. You guys laughing, your banter, it really — if that was just written out like blog posts, your banter, you wouldn’t be able to read it, obviously. People can really get into it. And that was the first thing for me that now that you say it, it’s hilarious. I’ve always thought of LinkedIn in that same way, but since I’ve started listening to your show, I’ve started using LinkedIn. I was like, “Wow, I had no idea!”
Mica Gadhia: Wow, that’s awesome.
Jon Nastor: It’s almost like a Facebook for business, but it just doesn’t have cat pictures.
Sean Jackson: Right.
Jon Nastor: Which I’ve actually heard you say. I think I might have stolen that from you. That was such a brilliant way to explain it. That’s really hard to do, though, in most other formats. To really get that intimate sort of relationship to your topic through in a way that, as I said — but the question was it has to either educate, entertain and inspire. You guys both educate and entertain and you’re quite inspirational. You really educate and you really entertain. That’s really hard to do, I find, just on text.
That’s really hard too, especially when there’s a mindset about a topic. About LinkedIn or about a thousand — about accounting or about being a lawyer. You know what I mean? There are a lot of topics that really have an idea and a mindset around them that it’s very stuffy and very boring. Really, it’s just cool people doing these things still, and it’s just that it’s hard to get that across without audio. That’s why I think this is a perfect format for it.
Sean Jackson: I think one of the things that was really important to me early on was to understand what that format was going to be. What was going to make it different? And I think that’s the key. Obviously the barrier-to-entry to podcasting is nil, right? You’ve got a computer. You can buy a cheap mic. You’re in basically.
The reality is that you have to think about that strategy. And for us, the strategy was going to be that we were not going to be the typical professional podcast. Because we didn’t want to be. We needed to stand out from everyone else. I think in your course, if I’m correct, you guys talk about, “In an audience, you want to be unique and different.” And trust me, it’s hard to do.
Jon Nastor: It is, it really is.
Sean Jackson: The second . . .
Mica Gadhia: Also, we are us. Sean and I —
Sean Jackson: This is not pretentious or an act.
Mica Gadhia: Right. This is how we are.
Sean Jackson: Exactly.
Four Ways You Can Be Remarkable for Your Audience
Jon Nastor: That’s what you have to be to be a showrunner. Our whole course, everything we teach — either for free, via the podcast, or within the course itself — is the four elements of a remarkable podcast. Which is really the four elements of a remarkable business or a remarkable blog or anything.
Those are authenticity, which you guys are showing right now and that’s what you have to show to be a successful showrunner. Usefulness. Sustainability, which you guys are — on a calendar you have to every week come out with a new episode. It’s just the way it is. Then four is profitability. That can either be direct or indirect, which is probably also very similar to the authentic and useful work you would put onto LinkedIn. That it can be profitable at the end, but it’s going to be direct or indirect.
It’s not that you’re necessarily selling something directly. I don’t sell anything from Hack the Entrepreneur. I built up a really large audience, but I don’t directly sell anything from it. Indirectly it’s led to a real full-fledged business around it. That’s interesting right? That authenticity has to — if you guys had tried to just do a show and try and do it professional like you might not normally or authentically be acting, then it would come across.
You can listen to a thousand podcasts a day that you can tell people aren’t comfortable in their own skin yet. They’re not comfortable with their own voices. They’re not comfortable. They’re just trying to copy something that already was successful, but it was successful under that person being authentic, not under me trying to copy that authenticity.
I think that’s why your show does really well, because that authenticity shines through. It really does. It’s like sitting down for coffee with you. That’s what a podcast should be. It still has to sound good. It still has to be useful. It still has to entertain. It still has to inspire in some way, but it has to be authentic, otherwise nobody wants to listen. I don’t want to listen to a radio show kind of thing, because otherwise I’ll just listen to the radio.
Up-to-date Missing Link Podcast Audience Stats
Sean Jackson: Your last point about the profitability side, that’s the point we want to talk next about. Because, we did — in designing this show there were a couple of things that I wanted to test out. I want to share with the audience, because if they’ve been listening for a while they know that we’ve been doing some things around text messaging and this LinkedIn group (which everybody should join anyway, by the way).
The first thing is the text messaging, Jon. As you know, mobile is huge. However, in content marketing space people are just trying to capture email addresses, because email is free for the most part. It’s easy. It’s fairly common and consistent. I didn’t want to do that per se. I felt that text messaging has unbelievable open rates. I know that it is extremely powerful because of the fact that people when they get a text message will read it.
We, from the very start of the show used a service called TxtMarks.com. I don’t think it’s the best service for what I want (obviously, because it doesn’t support international), but it is something that was fairly inexpensive to try and test out. This kind of blew me, away and I want to share this with the audience what we have found. I just pulled the stats from the past shows that we’ve done. The growth rate of that text messaging has been phenomenal.
What I have found is almost 9% of our average listeners will subscribe to our text messaging service. Think about that. 9% of people listening are picking up their phone and texting that 41411 ‘mylink’ to us. Now that blew me away. You’ve got to remember. This is only in the U.S. continental. This isn’t the international folks, as we found out and as Jon found out up in Canada.
Jon Nastor: I tried texting that number.
Sean Jackson: The second thing that we did was I wanted to put the call to action being to the LinkedIn group. I didn’t want to have — there were some curated things that Mica and I didn’t want to share out there. I wanted to have an ongoing dialogue with people. The intent of the show was not to sell them a LinkedIn training course, if you will. It really is to experiment with some ideas to help people on their journey towards LinkedIn.
It is so that we can all say, “Hey, what if we try this on LinkedIn versus that?” And have the conduit and the communication to do it. However, what I found, again, was that the response rate on people that are signing up for the group is extremely high in comparison to all the other metrics that I have. I think that when you look at that 9% response rate, the fact that our group is growing at 31% per week, our text messaging is growing at 25% per week.
These two experiments we are running seem to be working. Jon, what do you think about that? What do you think about the approach that we’re doing? How does that apply to Showrunners? Just kind of give me your thoughts in general about that process that we’ve been doing on the show.
Jon Nastor: My mind is blown by those numbers.
Mica Gadhia: Right.
Jon Nastor: That’s amazing! It is a very new thing, and obviously text messaging is massive for podcasters. Because we’re typically listening to it on a mobile device, our podcasts, right? I can say, “Go to my website. Get on my e-mail list.” Which I do on every show. But it’s a few more steps. It’s not — I can just literally — I already have my phone in my hand. I’m probably already texting somebody. Now, you say a number in my head. I can just text it to you. That’s really impressive. Wow, we have to look into this more and start teaching this within the course, because, that’s really … Can I ask what are you sending people now as a text besides access to the group? What do they get?
Sean Jackson: What happens is — the text messaging — you have to confirm the subscription. There’s actually a double opt-in process to this, so that 9% is with that double opt-in process. They opt-in and then we auto-send them a link to the group to LinkedIn, which kind of blows. I’m going to tell you now Jon, the LinkedIn mobile experience, especially for groups, is not as strong as it should be. They’re fixing that by the way.
But they are clicking over to that, and what I’m seeing is about 75% of people who subscribe text messaging will come into that group. I am seeing a high conversion rate in there. All they’re getting from me is a link. Now every week when we launch a new show, I do send them a text that is basically the title of the show, “available now at iTunes at” and then I use the shortened URL that you get out of iTunes.
I do that, again, because I want to drive traffic to that iTunes page to help increase the relevancy and popularity of that particular show that we have. That has been the strategy that we have. Again, my response rates are — our response rates, I should say — have been pretty phenomenal. That 9% and then 75% of the people who are getting the text message auto-link are actually going in and signing up for the LinkedIn discussion group.
Jon Nastor: How many people are clicking the show episode link to iTunes, do you know?
Sean Jackson: I don’t know that off the top of my head. That’s a good number. I have it in analytics. TxtMarks does have analytics on that. I would have to look that up. Dang it John, you asked me a question. Dang it.
Jon Nastor: No, I would love for you to try, instead of an iTunes link, link to your Rainmaker.FM show page.
Sean Jackson: That’s a good idea.
Jon Nastor: For that episode only, because yesterday actually we recorded a Showrunner episode and Jerod had told me that he was putting both links into our emails when the episode goes out to our email list. We don’t do text. We still do it email, old school style. My first question was, what are the numbers? Who’s clicking which link? You’re giving them iTunes and Rainmaker. He’s like, “Damn it Jon you stumped me!” Just like you just said.
Then he came back yesterday with the numbers and we’re getting 3% of the people click on the iTunes link and everybody goes Rainmaker. We’re pretty sure — because people are probably subscribed via iTunes to your show if they want to be. Or else they really want the show notes experience, of which at Rainmaker we provide an awesome mobile experience for that. Plus, they can listen off there or then go through iTunes if they wanted. That might be worth — look at it, and then I would try testing a couple links of just Rainmaker. It’s unbelievable how many more people want Rainmaker on their mobile device.
Sean Jackson: I think that’s a great point Jon. Again, this show is a lot about testing. If you’re a marketer realize that so much of what we do in marketing is testing ideas. This is our officially our ninth show from beginning to end. We’ve been testing a lot of things. We’ve been testing format. We’ve been testing ideas. We’ve been testing, testing, testing concepts.
I tend to agree with you on the mobile link just to put a nail on that. Here’s the other thing, most people are using an Android device worldwide. It’s really kind of in the U.S. and North America that iPhone tends to dominate. Most people, because, of the price point of an iPhone, are on an Android device. So sending them over to iTunes may not necessarily be the best place for them. Where, if they could go to a mobile responsive web page, like we have at Rainmaker.FM, may be the better experience.
You’re right. That’s the whole key. And this is what I’m trying to get across to our audience Jon, is that when we decided to make a podcast about LinkedIn, there was a lot of thinking that went behind this. I will say this, that so far I’ve been very happy with the results. I’ll share this with the audience too. When we did our very first episode — Mica, do you remember that comment that we got on the page at Rainmaker.FM, our very first comment was from some guy. He says, “I cannot believe that you would do such an unprofessional show about such a professional network. You’ve lost a listener.” I’m sitting there going, “Yay! We offended somebody!”
Mica Gadhia: That was our intention.
Sean Jackson: The second moment was when people actually started sending in text messaging that weren’t employees of the company. I was like, “Yeah!”
Jon Nastor: Wow.
Sean Jackson: I think as marketers we’re testing. I do think if you’re listening to the show, certainly as a professional marketer, podcasting has got to be in your wheelhouse. Wouldn’t you say Jon? It’s got to be there.
Jon Nastor: Yeah, I absolutely agree.
Sean Jackson: I think also what would help is to really think through that course of the series of events you want to put together. Jon, you have been working with Jerod on some things that would really help this. Could you share a little bit more about this Showrunner training course, because, that was very helpful to me. I was nervous as all get-out. I was sweating bullets. Talk about that Showrunner course that you guys put together, because, I do think if you’re going to put this into your wheelhouse, you’re going to need some help and guidance. Jon, talk a little bit about that.
Jon Nastor: Yeah, sure. I think it goes back to what you said just a couple of minutes ago where you were starting The Missing Link and a lot of thinking went into it. To us, a showrunner isn’t just getting a microphone for $50.00 and then just sitting down. “I’m going to start recording a podcast today and put it out.”
That’s what 99% of the people do. 99.9% of podcasts don’t make it past the seventh episode. They just falter and fail, because, they don’t get any traction. You have a successful show. I now have two successful shows. And Jerod has multiple successful shows under his belt. Both him and I went through the process of going through that thought process before you actually sit down to create your show.
Which, for me with Hack The Entrepreneur was about three months of just devouring everything. Every podcast in my market. Because I went after a massive market. I went after the entrepreneurship interview market. I couldn’t have gone after a more popular market. But I knew that if I could do it right and find my unique place in it, that it’s a massive market. That’s where I wanted to be. I love that.
The course is really — the first three modules are just about before even starting to record. Thinking about your audience. Finding the audience — that one person that you’re talking to in their headphones — and to exactly hit them. Then the transformation that you’re going to want to take them through to make it successful for you and for them. It’s basically ten modules. Those first three are that. Then we get into the technical aspects of it. Then we get into launching from day one, where you’re going to take it after that, and turning it into a business.
It’s ten complete modules. They’re all video-based, so screen shots and then we’ve also turned those into just audio, because obviously they’re all podcasting fans. Most people actually download them and listen to them on the train, in their car. They listen to the training courses. Then we also have a .pdf transcript version of it. Plus the slides that I use in the videos all get printed off to .pdf. So you can actually just print out your course if you want as well.
Sean Jackson: Jon, when does that course become available. I know it’s closed right now. You guys launched it and then you closed it. When does it become available again?
Jon Nastor: Yeah. The first official launch is August 3rd to the 14th. That’s Monday, August 3rd, until Friday the 14th. We’re doing the full launch with Rainmaker.FM and Copyblogger. We did two small pilot launches, just to really get the course and fully develop it. We have a couple hundred people in there now and we’ve really sort of scaled it out.
We have some shows — I think almost ten shows now — that have already launched within that pilot launch and are hitting the top of ‘New and Noteworthy.’ They’re amazing success stories. It’s been really great. Yeah, so we do twice monthly webinars with everybody. Answer all their questions. Then we have a private members-only group where people can get their feedback.
Sean Jackson: I got it. It’s an awesome course. I’m going to tell everybody, I was scared to death to put this thing together. Weren’t you scared Mica? I was freaked out. It was really nice to have somebody like Jon helping along the way to make it a little easier. And the fact that it’s available is also awesome. Jon, that’s not the only thing that’s happening in August. I have heard through the grapevine that you hate the beautiful cold weather of Canada and feel that you need to go to the dreadful heat of Fort Worth, Texas on July 31st, is that correct Jon?
Jon Nastor: Yes. I’m so looking forward to it.
Sean Jackson: As a Texan, I’m in Colorado right now because it’s so dang hot in Texas. Why are you going to Fort Worth, Texas on July 31st Jon?
Jon Nastor: Because it is the second official Podcast Movement. The only podcasting conference in existence, I believe. There’s going to be over 1000 people or 1200 people, I heard, this year. All gathering. People who are running podcasts already and people who want to be running podcasts. Both Jerod and myself are going to be speaking at the conference.
Sean Jackson: Yeah. I would highly encourage anyone who’s interested in podcasting — if you can bear the Texas heat — be in Fort Worth on July 31st. Because, this is absolutely phenomenal, The lady who created the show “Serial” for NPR is going to be on it. They’ve got just a roster of leading talent, including our own Jerod and Jon. That’s absolutely awesome.
Jon Nastor: Is the heat really that bad?
Sean Jackson: Yeah, it really is.
Jon Nastor: It is, okay. Just don’t tell Jerod this.
Sean Jackson: Don’t even think about going outside. Remember that movie Dune, okay. Think Dune.
Jon Nastor: Oh my God.
Sean Jackson: Not a cloudy day. I’m just telling you. It is hot. However, it’s hot for a reason. It just makes your blood boil with passion for the great state of Texas. Spoken like a true Texan.
Hey guys, I think we’re coming close to the end of our little show and I did want to thank Jon again for the advice. For the encouragement. For the fact that putting a podcast together is difficult. I wanted to share some of the success that we’ve had with our show.
Three Reasons Podcasting Doesn’t Work Well with LinkedIn
Sean Jackson: Now let me, in conclusion, talk about some of the thinking that I have about LinkedIn and podcasts. While obviously we’re fans of podcasting, I’m going to talk about the little downside for just a minute or two. Yeah, I know. The number one thing is, it is almost a Herculean effort to try to put a podcast in a post on LinkedIn. Now LinkedIn does allow you to put video on there. In fact, it’s very easy. If you have a YouTube video or Vimeo video, or if you have a SlideShare Deck, it’s easy to put it in there.
The problem is Jon, and I’m sure you know this, that the audio codexes and the videos and all these different technical jargons out there that YouTube actually solves very eloquently — it’s not easy to just take a recording and upload it as a post. This has been a disappointment on my side, and I am going to figure out a solution for our audience. A way to put these together. I was trying to do SlideShare. It’s not going to work. I’m thinking I’m going to have to go to YouTube. Take our shows and put them in a YouTube video that I can just copy and paste and put it into a post on LinkedIn. But until they get that fixed it’s still a hassle. That’s number one.
Number two is that while podcasting is absolutely powerful, it is tough when you’re in audio-only format to show people step-by-step what to do. Mica and I did a show with that. I want to do more of it. It takes a lot longer when you don’t have that visual cue, like you do in your course. It just takes a lot longer to walk people step-by-step through. Again, we’re going to do some experiments to figure that out as well.
Then, finally, I do think that you have to have a strong call to action. This is the only other thing that I’ll just talk about in general, not having to do with LinkedIn. If you’ve listened to the show for a while, I almost beg you to join our group. I’ve actually calculated. It’s two minutes of the whole podcast, almost 10% of the whole show just begging you to get into our group.
That’s the other thing too. You will soon find that to get people to do a call to action it’s not a simple casual mention. We’ve tried that and the results have failed. You actually have to put a real emphasis into it and not be afraid to. I think if podcasting is going to be a part of your content marketing experience, then you’re going to have to put a strong call to action. And once we figure out how to get these damn podcasts into LinkedIn, then those call to actions are going to be really important as well. That’s kind of my parting thoughts on this. Jon, do you have anything else? Mica, you have anything else before we close off another episode?
Jon Nastor: The only thing I would like to say is Showrunner.FM is the link. I forgot to even tell anybody that.
Sean Jackson: Speaking of call to action.
Jon Nastor: That’s also where you can find the podcast itself, so you can find out more about podcasting in general completely for free. Next week, we’re on episode 17. You can check it out there. Then that will lead to the course when it’s open.
Sean Jackson: Showrunner.FM, that’s right?
Jon Nastor: Yes.
Sean Jackson: Mica, are you getting stuff posted in that group discussion for all of our loyal listeners?
Mica Gadhia: As much as I can Sean. Yes, I am.
Sean Jackson: Don’t be afraid to post Mica. It’s going to be okay.
Mica Gadhia: Sean, you’re like, “Stop being,” what is it? “Paralysis by analysis.”
Sean Jackson: Yes.
Mica Gadhia: That’s an invitation to all of our listeners by the way. Just do it.
Sean Jackson: Just do it. Well, we bared all Mica. We revealed it. We’re getting into the sweeps and ratings by taking it all off for our audience. Hopefully they will come back. I started to say I hope they won’t come back.
Mica Gadhia: We’ll still have our same rating.
Sean Jackson: I hope so. Otherwise, this may be the last show.
Mica Gadhia: We love you all. We’ll miss you. No, we’ll see you next week.
Sean Jackson: We will see you on the next episode of The Missing Link. Thank you all.
Jon Nastor: Thank you so much guys.
Mica Gadhia: Thank you.
Voiceover: You have just experienced The Missing Link exclusively on Rainmaker.FM.