Yanik Silver on the Transformation to Maverick Entrepreneur

My guest today is a serial entrepreneur, author, and well-known digital marketing expert.
In 1998, my guest undertook his first entrepreneurial venture: a $900 marketing course for cosmetic surgeons.By the time he was 26, he was making $10,000 to $15,000 a month teaching physicians how to improve their sales.
According to Forbes, he’s produced more than half a dozen seven figure online businesses since then.
My guest is a self-described “adventure junkie,” he founded Maverick Business Adventure and Maverick 1000 in 2008. MBA mixes adventure and intimate entrepreneurial networking. MBA is also a philanthropic organization and he has a goal by 2020 of getting 10,000 young entrepreneurs to start their own companies.
He has written several must-read books for entrepreneurs including Maverick Startup, 34 Rules for Maverick Entrepreneurs, and the soon to be released Evolved Enterprise.
Now, let’s hack …
Yanik Silver.
In this 32-minute episode Yanik Silver and I discuss:
- Becoming an expert in just one hour per day
- The benefit of being continuously curious
- Looking for leverage points in your business
- Why the money is in turning the wheel, not re-inventing it
- Once you get the entrepreneurial itch, there is no turning back
The Show Notes
- Maverick Business Adventures
- Yanik Silver Website
- Yanik Silver Books
- Yanik on Twitter
- Jon on Twitter
Yanik Silver on the Transformation to Maverick Entrepreneur
Jonny Nastor: This is Rainmaker.FM, the digital marketing podcast network. It’s built on the Rainmaker Platform, which empowers you to build your own digital marketing and sales platform. Start your free 14-day trial at HacktheEntrepreneur.com/Rainmaker.
Voiceover: Welcome to Hack the Entrepreneur, the show which reveals the fears, habits, and inner battles behind big name entrepreneurs and those on their way to joining them. Now, here is your host, Jon Nastor.
Jonny Nastor: Welcome back to another episode of Hack the Entrepreneur. I’m so glad you decided to join me today. I am your host, Jon Nastor, but you can call me Jonny.
My guest today is a serial entrepreneur, author, and very well-known digital marketing expert.
In 1998, my guest undertook his first entrepreneurial venture, a $900 marketing course for cosmetic surgeons. By the time he was 26, he was making $10,000 to $15,000 a month teaching physicians how to improve their sales.
According to Forbes, he’s produced more than a half dozen seven-figure online businesses since then.
My guest is a self-described ‘adventure junkie.’ He founded Maverick Business Adventure and Maverick 1000 in 2008. Maverick Business Adventure mixes adventure and intimate entrepreneurial networking. Maverick Business Adventure is also a philanthropic organization with the lofty goal of getting 10,000 young entrepreneurs to start their own companies by 2020.
He has written several must-read books for entrepreneurs, including Maverick Startup, 34 Rules for Maverick Entrepreneurs, and the soon-to-be-released Evolved Enterprise.
Now, let’s hack Yanik Silver.
Before we get going, I want to take a minute to thank my awesome sponsor, FreshBooks. FreshBooks is absolutely made for people like me and you — entrepreneurs, small business owners, or medium-sized business owners. I don’t know why it took me two years to figure out.
When I moved to online business, I was still printing everything out and just going completely old school, as in dealing with a proper bookkeeper and accountant off to the side, but having to deal with the offline aspect of that. I absolutely hated it. I didn’t know how to write checks for these people. All this stuff that, as my business ran online, I felt like the rest of it should have been done online — the bookkeeping, the accounting side of it.
FreshBooks absolutely now allows me to do that with the app on my phone to the fact that they can integrate fully with PayPal and with my MailChimp account. Then, also, everything is done there, all the reports. You can just email it to the accountant to take care of it. I don’t have to worry about being absolutely disorganized anymore. I want to thank FreshBooks for that and for sponsoring me. Thank you so much.
If you are an entrepreneur or a small business person like myself, I strongly urge you to go start your 30-day free trial today — no credit card, no anything necessary. Just go to FreshBooks.com/Hack, and don’t forget to enter ‘Hack the Entrepreneur’ in the ‘How did you hear about us?’ section. Trust me, you’ll be absolutely happy that you did.
Welcome back to another episode of Hack the Entrepreneur. We have another brilliant guest today. Yanik, thank you for joining me.
Yanik Silver: Hey, Jon. Thanks!
Jonny Nastor: Let’s jump straight into this, shall we?
Yanik Silver: Alright.
Jonny Nastor: Yanik, as an entrepreneur, what is the one thing that you do that you feel has been the biggest contributor to your successes so far?
Becoming an Expert in Just One Hour Per Day
Yanik Silver: That’s a tough one because I ask people that, too, who are mentors and different people. Like, “Hey, if you’re going to define one thing … ” They’re like, “Well, it’s really hard to say it’s one secret.”
Throwing it back on me and saying if there’s one thing, I took this lesson on really early in life. If you learn or study on any subject for one hour a day for three years, you’d become an expert, and for one hour a day for five years, you can become a world expert. I learned that from a guy named Earl Nightingale.
I’m constantly looking at how am I growing, how am I evolving. I’ll try and go through a book a week, and I’m just constantly curious. Some of the best people in the world are just constantly curious on how things work, how business models work, how people are doing things in other industries, or even totally disparate places, and trying to make these connections and bring them together. That’s probably the one thing.
Jonny Nastor: Nice. So seeking out more knowledge.
Yanik Silver: Yeah. It’s the growth.
Jonny Nastor: It’s funny because I have a list of questions that I can play off of as I’m doing these interviews. You’re just over 100 people I’ve interviewed in the last eight months — all doing cool, amazing things — and at the very top in bold, it says, “To master anything, talk to the experts.” I believe Tony Robbins said that. When he first started, that’s what he wanted to master whatever it was he was trying to master at the time. He learned that from somebody, and I was like, “There it is. That’s what I’m doing with this.” That’s funny how you say that.
Yanik Silver: Yeah. You’re getting a total CAT-scan perspective from so many people.
Jonny Nastor: Yeah, it’s amazing. I started it selfishly, and I get to talk to you people now. It’s awesome. Just a constant thirst for knowledge, reading one book a week is a lot. Is this something you’ve always done, or is this something you push yourself to do?
The Benefit of Being Continuously Curious
Yanik Silver: No, I don’t push myself necessarily in too many places. I really follow what my interests are. At the very beginning of my entrepreneurial career, or even before that, it was really around direct response marketing, copywriting, psychology, general business type stuff. Then now, recently, it’s been getting way deeper into cosmology, or evolutionary theories, or consciousness — you name it.
Wherever my energy is and what I’m excited about is where I’ll put my growth in learning aspect. Not trying to force “I have to read whatever this latest business book is that’s everyone’s talking about” because maybe I don’t need that one right now. Maybe I need something else. I believe things will show up in the right way, in the right time.
Jonny Nastor: What if what you were interested in was reversed? It seems like it worked out. You were into direct response marketing, copywriting. You got fascinated by it. You studied it. Then you got to create a business around it. But you’re probably not creating a business around evolutionary theory and consciousness now. You know what I mean? What about when someone’s not into direct response marketing as their fascination?
Looking for Leverage Points in Your Business
Yanik Silver: I look at leverage. I look at how do we leverage — whether it’s our time or our talents, or an investor’s standpoint, their treasure, so capital. Where can we have the greatest leverage? Learning about direct response marketing and copywriting is a very leveragable skill because I can write something in an email, or web page, or whatever medium, and then have multiple people go there and then take an action.
I learned this way early on. I worked for my dad’s company for a long time. We grew up in the family business. I was 14. I telemarketed for latex gloves, called on my own doctor clients. Then 16, the deal was I got a car if I went out and cold called. Let me tell you, you probably already know if you’ve done this, but cold calling kind of sucks. You got that one-on-one interaction. The positioning’s not even right, so many things going against you.
I really fell into that direct response and copywriting because I was looking for a better way, and one of my doctor clients gave it to me. That was a really big step. Then it just lit me up on fire because I had people responding to an ad that I wrote about an EKG machine or a fetal doppler instead of actually talking to them in person. Then having that encouragement kept me excited. Then I’d go deeper and deeper into it.
Now, if you’re absolutely not interested in any of that stuff, then you need to find other people and resources. There’s a ton of them out there who understand that and get it. You’re going to need that part. I’m a big believer in focusing where your strengths are and figuring out what makes you unique, and really unique in your aspects. So not trying to necessarily get way better at where you’re totally weak at because you’ll only maybe raise up to a mediocre level, but how you hone what you’re really great at and where your natural talents are. Then bring in a supporting cast around you.
Jonny Nastor: That’s smart. What was it in your business that you’ve realized early on that you weren’t good at?
Why the Money Is in Turning the Wheel, Not Reinventing It
Yanik Silver: A lot of things. I’m really good at the idea, the conception, creating the positioning and the brand, and the way something is differentiated, and now, how there’s different aspects of it that create an impact that actually drive business — which is all about the latest book that I’ve written called Evolved Enterprise, which is partially around that.
I’m also really good at connecting really amazing individuals together, like creating a platform or a sandbox for them to play in. Then, I’m good at instigating some mayhem, and some fun, and keeping that inner child alive. Then everything else, not as good for sure. Then finding people that are way better than me, especially around the operations systems part.
One of my friends told me this one time, and it really hit home for me. He’s like, “The money is made in turning the wheel, Yanik, not in reinventing the wheel.” That’s the part that I really like. I like reinventing the wheel. I’m constantly looking for better people than me that are good wheel turners.
Jonny Nastor: The money is made in turning the wheel, not in reinventing. But you were like, “No, I like to reinvent it.”
Yanik Silver: Yeah. If I create enough wheels and have enough wheel turners that are really excited about what we’re doing, then that should be alright.
Jonny Nastor: Are you good at taking advice?
Yanik Silver: I think I am very good at listening to a lot of different perspectives and then deciding to follow my own intuition and gut necessarily. I’m not going to be swayed to totally go against what I think is the right move, but I do like to hear other people’s inputs for sure.
Jonny Nastor: Let’s go back. You said you worked in a family business.
Yanik Silver: Right.
Jonny Nastor: But there seems to be this time in every entrepreneur’s life when they realize one of two things. Either they have this calling to make this big something or a difference in the world or, as mostly seems to be the case, they just simply can’t work for somebody else.
From your family business to deciding that you needed to venture out on your own and that you were going to build something yourself — when did this happen for you?
Once You Get the Entrepreneurial Itch, There Is No Turning Back
Yanik Silver: I went to both of those concepts that you just mentioned. The first was really after 16 and cold calling and learning about direct response and copywriting when I was about 17, 18, and just being immersed in guys like J. Abraham, Dan Kennedy, Ted Nicholas, and anyone else I could find — all the old mail-order type masters. I took my dad’s business from a regional player to more of a national player from the ads that we were writing, or that I was writing, and helping him grow that.
Then there’s this weird switch that went on. At one point, for a long time, I was just like, “I’m just going to grow this and really expand it and build it out.” Then there was a switch where I started doing a little bit of freelancing with a handful of my doctor clients who realized that I was pretty good at marketing. They wanted my help for attracting some cosmetic and elective type patients.
I did that for a little while and realized there was no leverage there — so coming back to what we talked about, which was leverages. Here I was working, getting paid essentially by the hour and working with them and not really leveraging my talent there.
I started learning about other people that were selling information and content, and I’m like, “Oh, this is pretty fascinating.” I literally created an ad that got put in Dermatologic Surgery Journal. Got 10 doctors to raise their hands that said they were interested in more cosmetic patients. This was all the same stuff that I was doing with doctors one on one. Then three weeks later, we got our first order for $900 for this course that wasn’t even created at the time. We wrote back to the guy and said it’s going to be republished and available. Were you going to jump in, Jon?
Jonny Nastor: No. I love that. The course wasn’t even, of course, built yet.
Yanik Silver: I tell people this today, because so many times we feel like we got to have everything perfectly in line, and then we’ll put it out there. But there’s magic in actually putting something out and seeing what the hell happens. I only got one order, but it was enough to give me enough energy and motivation to go create this thing. I told the doctor his card won’t be charged, and it’s being republished. Then I would clock out.
The time that I knew that I was leaving was literally when I was looking at the clock, just staring at it when it’s three o’clock, four o’clock, and waiting for five o’clock, so I can clock out on my dad’s business and then go to work on my own stuff. I’d be at his office literally typing, writing, and creating the new product until two, three o’clock in the morning sometimes, answering my cellphone under my desk and taking orders.
My dad was pretty cool about it. He let me slowly transition out of it where I could take Fridays off at one point. He saw the writing on the wall, but it still was a really, really hard decision. Once you get that itch, there’s really no going back.
I’ve told my stepbrother this now, which is really great. He wasn’t that happy that I was moonlighting on the side and doing this stuff. He thought I was not paying attention to what we were doing in the office and the medical equipment stuff — and he’s probably pretty right.
I wasn’t really plugged into everything we were doing. He’d interject his thoughts on the marketing, which really he, again, had no background in except for everyone has an opinion on something. It became such a hassle there that it helped precipitate me leaving, too. I should really be thankful for that.
Jonny Nastor: Excellent. I like the once you get the itch, there’s no turning back.
Why Your True Destination Comes From Moving Forward (Even When It’s Not All Rainbows, Unicorns, and Lollipops)
Yanik Silver: Yeah, pretty much. That was the first part. Then your second part was the changing the world kind of thing, and that happened. So fast-forward now. I started that publishing company working just with doctors. It went up to about $15,000 a month, kind of part-time, almost like a publishing baker in a way. We get orders in, and I’d only have two or three copies of the manuals created. I’d go down to my local printer. He’d print it up, and I’d shipped them out. It was a fun little mail-order business. I was doing pretty good for a 25, 26-year-old kid.
Then the Internet really started to come into play where I was looking at what was going on, and I’m like, “Yeah, I could figure this out. It looks like they’re doing some direct response, and they’re selling content.” I’m like, “I could do this.”
In 2000, I literally woke up with this idea at three o’clock in the morning for instant sales letters. It was my first million dollar product where, within three months, it was on track to do six figures. People were like, “Well, how did you do that? Maybe you can help me” – which turned into a whole other career.
But about seven, eight years ago, I looked at my life. From the outside looking in, you’d think everything is pretty perfect — making a ton of money online, helping a lot of people, great family, great reputation in that marketplace, but I just wasn’t totally happy. I think there are seeds of discontent. l call it a ‘cosmic alarm clock’ that goes off. There’s no way of stopping it. Same as before.
Sometimes it gets harder, too, because you got almost golden handcuffs in a way. Maybe some of the people listening have that also, because you’re not necessarily the 20-year old kid. You got a family. You got people that look to you for support and for security. It’s not always an easy time to make a transition, but it’s one of those things where, if you look back, you’re going to be like, “Wow, I should have done it.”
Most times in life, we definitely don’t regret the things that we do, for the most part. We regret the things that we don’t do. I was having this conversation with a Maverick member the other day. He was talking about walking away from a very successful business to do something that he absolutely loved. He has three kids, and he’s like, “I don’t know if I could do it.” I said, “I know with me as a parent, my kids pay way more attention to what I do versus what I tell them. Don’t you think they’d be watching you to see if you’re pursuing your dreams or not?” He’s like, “Yeah, that’s huge.”
Jonny Nastor: Yeah, that is huge. One of my favorite quotes is that we typically don’t regret the things we do. It’s true. We regret the things that we don’t — but it’s hard. It is hard. It’s unfortunate because, when you take the steps and you do the hard work, then you can look back on it and be like, “Yes, that was the right decision for you to make, obviously, to go on your own.” At the time, it’s really, really hard. But I honestly feel that if you take those steps and you take those steps long enough and deal with the struggles of all of it.
You gave us a condensed story. I’m sure it wasn’t all just rainbows and something else nice. You know what I mean?
Yanik Silver: Unicorns and lollipops.
Jonny Nastor: Yeah, exactly. But looking back on it, it’s always worth it. I don’t know why. It just is, because you’ve got to, in a way, choose your own destiny. You have to know what you can achieve.
Yanik Silver: Yeah. Where it didn’t become all rainbows and unicorns and lollipops, it was interesting because I had a pretty sharp trajectory up I guess with the Internet stuff. Every product was really doing well. It didn’t matter what we put out there because the marketplace loved it, doing really, really well.
But when I switched gears totally about moving into this Maverick Group of companies, which is all about this interconnection for helping entrepreneurs — how do they grow themselves and their business, how do we make an impact and a difference in the world, and how do we have some fun in the process — that’s always been the core.
It originally started as an adventure travel company doing that stuff for entrepreneurs. The first event was a Baja racing event, and I lost $30,000. I’m like, “Yeah, it’s a totally different business. It’s an investment” — where my very first company, that Internet venture, I guess that’s not the first company, but the Internet venture started with $1,800 in a one-bedroom apartment and grew that up to a couple million dollar venture.
Now this one, when you have a semi-open checkbook, it’s a different deal. You have to be careful, too, on that — not having your passion for something cloud your business sense.
One of my books is called 34 Rules for Maverick Entrepreneurs. One of my rules in there is actually to bootstrap — money can only cover up stuff, and you can use either your creativity or money. In this case, we used money. We continued to pour money into hiring people that we weren’t ready for or it wasn’t a good fit and all sorts of things.
And about $400,000 in, my wife’s like, “Well, what the hell are you doing?” and “Is this a real company?” It forced me to be like, “Yeah. I think it is.” If it was just an adventure travel company, my ‘why’ wasn’t big enough. I went back and thought about what do I really want to create.
It was this big ecoverse of these inter-connected companies and ventures that were really our North star — has changed the way business is played — that’s what I base it on. ‘Play’ is very intentional there, but that was a much bigger why. That forced me to say, “Yeah, I’m willing to do it,” and then zigzagging into what it’s turned into and actually making it profitable and figuring it out.
During that time, you go through a lot of thoughts. It’s like, “Well, yeah, I should just go back to what I was doing before. It was so much easier, and making so much more money, and so much less stress.” But there was something that kept pushing me forward. I knew that I’d figure it out. A lot of times what you think is your destination really doesn’t even end up being your destination. It’s the byproduct of the movement of going towards that.
Jonny Nastor: That’s awesome. I love that. I actually wrote that exact thing to my newsletter yesterday.
Yanik Silver: Yeah, perfect.
Jonny Nastor: That exact thing. I was like, “You just have to start walking. You’re lost in the forest? Walk because just over that patch of trees, there might be a giant mountain you can’t cross anyways. You have to go some other direction.”
Yanik Silver: Yeah. That’s exactly what happens.
Jonny Nastor: You don’t know until you move.
Yanik Silver: I look back and think about my first online venture. In my notes or my planner, I wrote, “I want to sell it for $500,000 to Stamps.com,” or something like that. Looking back, I would never have done that because it led to so many other things, and it was worth so much more. Just that movement of driving and creating that turned into this byproduct of me teaching a whole lot of people how to take their content or expertise and get it out and sell it online — which then turned into all these different relationships.
You just keep creating byproducts, after byproducts, after byproducts that keep leading you in new directions.
Jonny Nastor: Totally. In your wildest dreams, you could never know where you’re going to be a year or two out. Once the movement happens, you get introduced to so many people, ideas, and opportunities that you couldn’t even have imagined.
Yanik Silver: No, but it’s always in line with the essence of what you want.
Jonny Nastor: Of course.
Yanik Silver: For me, I think about this for goal-setting and so forth. I don’t do traditional type goal-setting anymore. I do more about what’s the essence of what I want. To most entrepreneurs, it’s about freedom. It’s not even what amount of money in the bank. It’s about how do you create your life so that you can do what you want, work with who you want, and really focus on where you want to do it from. That doesn’t require $10 million in the bank, or $20 million, or whatever it is. The number that you’re thinking about, it’s usually a lot less. If you think about it and think through it, then it comes down to everything.
I ‘got’ this couple years back. I wrote in my journal what my ideal 40th birthday was going to be like. I wrote these different things — a number in the bank, what I was going to be driving, and all these things that traditional goal-centered people tell you to do, and who I was hanging out with. I couldn’t even fathom what happened for my 40th. I’m part of Virgin Galactic, which is the spaceship thing, and actually on my actual 40th birthday, they had an event where there was 400 some future astronauts were there, and Branson was there.
I also got invited to go with Richard a week after that or eight days after that to South Africa on Safari with him and all these different things. You couldn’t have planned that or written that. It was just amazing and the essence of what I wanted.
Jonny Nastor: If you would’ve, you would’ve been like, “Come on, you got to calm down. This is a little too lofty for your 40th.”
Yanik Silver: Potentially, right? Yeah.
Jonny Nastor: And there it was. This takes me into my final question, and that’s a great segue into it. There’s this idea I’m working with called the ‘entrepreneurial gap.’ As entrepreneurs, we are constantly looking forward. Whether you’re setting goals in a traditional sense or whatever it is, it’s always, “Everything will be better in one month when I do this, or three months, or six months, or a year, or three years, or five years.”
We set these goals for ourselves, and even before we seem to hit those goals, we set five or 10 new loftier ones into the future. We oftentimes live in this gap that we fail to stop, turn around, and look at what we have accomplished, where we have come from, what we have learned.
Yanik, could you for us right now, could you just turn around and look at everything you’ve done up until this point, and tell us if you are happy with what you’ve done?
Finding Happiness in Imperfection
Yanik Silver: I am actually extremely happy. I’m probably the most content, happiest that I’ve ever been in my life. And, yes, I’m definitely a very future-thinking individual. When you get yourself wrapped up in the future only, you’re just extremely unhappy because you’re never hitting that ideal, and you’re never hitting what is the ‘perfect’ kind of life of when you’ll be happy. It doesn’t really work.
I have this blog post that was pretty popular. I call it The Daily Return Path to Joy, Happiness, and Bliss. One of the things in there is making sure that each day that you think about, “Where is the momentum right now, like went well?” So I’ll do this — not necessarily every day, but at least twice a week or so — I’ll write a long page in my journal about what’s going well right now or what am I appreciative of. That only enhances what’s all coming and makes everything grow from there.
Jonny Nastor: Nice. I love it. Yanik, this has been a lot of fun, and I do want to thank you for taking the time. Before we go, could you specifically tell the listener where they can find out more about you and your business?
Yanik Silver: Probably a good spot is the blog. It’s YanikSilver.com. Great articles there and couple good downloads, and then the new upcoming book is called Evolved Enterprise. That’s at EvolvedEnterprise.com.
Jonny Nastor: Excellent. I will link to both of those in the show notes, so they’re easy for everyone to find. Yanik, thanks again for taking the time. Please keep doing what you’re doing because it is awesome and inspiring to watch.
Yanik Silver: Thanks, Jon. I appreciate it.
Jonny Nastor: Mr. Yanik Silver, thank you, thank you, thank you. That was so much fun. I’m so glad that you agreed to come on the show and that you were so open in your responses — which makes sense now. I guess I knew you from the older days of Internet marketing when I started into this stuff and you were out there.
Now, you’ve gone to this deeper place with your new book, Evolved Enterprise, which you gave me a copy of and I’ve been reading it. It’s amazing. I love your take on the whole “entrepreneurs shouldn’t be just focused on giving back because giving back sort of says that we’ve taken something.” We don’t take things as entrepreneurs. We have to earn them. We have to earn any money we make by providing value, or service, or something worth way more than the money we’re getting, receiving from our audience or from our customers.
I really liked that because people are always talking about, “Entrepreneurs giving back. Giving back” And it does. It really talks about taking. That’s the only way you can give back — if you’ve already taken it. Thank you so much for joining me, and thanks so much for what you’re doing because it’s really, really cool.
As these conversations sometimes go, I have this sheet beside me where I write down the times of potential hacks, of what I think are ones I need to go back to. I have an insane list right now from this conversation, but then I re-listened to them all. I heard the conversation again, and there was one that stood out. There really is. There was one. That one thing that Yanik said, that one thing. Did you get it? Did you hear it? Let’s do it. Let’s find the hack.
Yanik Silver: ” … in turning the wheel, Yanik, not in reinventing the wheel,” but that’s the part that I really like. I like the reinventing the wheel, so I’m constantly looking for better people than me that are not wheel turners.
Jonny Nastor: And that’s the hack.
Woah, Yanik, there’s so much in that. You have a friend that tells you the money is in the turning of the wheel not in reinventing the wheel, which I absolutely agree with. I tell people in so many different businesses and so many different markets they’re trying to enter, they’re always trying to come up with this grand, huge, million-dollar idea that is going to change everything. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel in any of this.
Find something that works in another market and bring it to your market. Find something that works in your market and just adapt it and make it different, unique. Put your perspective onto it. You don’t have to in any way reinvent the wheel. It’s absolutely not necessary. It holds a lot of people back.
Then, I love how Yanik says that his friend gives him this great advice, and Yanik still disagrees with him. “That’s great, friend, but I like to reinvent the wheel.” Then what does Yanik do? Yanik is smart enough and self-aware enough of this that he knows that he has to hire smart wheel turners — who can turn the wheel because he does agree that that is necessary for a successful business. He doesn’t try and change himself, because we can’t typically.
Humans, we’re too hard to become a different type of personality or to have a different complete mindset or how you focus or what you enjoy doing. Rather than him struggling, trying to turn himself into a wheel turner because he thinks that’s necessary, he’s like, “No, actually, I like to reinvent the wheel. I’m going to keep doing that in my business, although that’s not the part that makes us all the money, so I need to put wheel turners in place.” Genius, bang. I love it. That’s awesome. So good, so good. Thank you, Yanik.
Alright, that’s another episode of Hack the Entrepreneur done. I appreciate you out there so much. You know that. You know that now. Do you know that? I hope so. I really, truly do.
Drop me a line. Tell me where you are. Tell me where you’re listening to me, not what you’re listening to. Where you’re listening to me and if you have any questions or thoughts. Tell me what you hate. Tell me what you like. Just tell what you’re up to. I would love to hear from you. Jon@hacktheentrepreeneur.com. That is my email. Please use it.
There’s thousands of people out there listening to this show. I would love to hear from you, even more than I do. Jon@hacktheentrepreneur.com, even just to say hi. Send me a virus if you want. Don’t send me a virus. Why would I say that? That’s funny. Sorry.
Seriously, truly, thank you. I appreciate you listening. Please, until next time, keep hacking the entrepreneur.