How to Beat The ‘Blank Stare’ and Get Customers Fired Up With Your Sales Copy

Have you ever felt as though you’re giving it your all when writing about your products or services, but readers (ones you know would make perfect customers) just don’t seem to ‘get it’? You could be falling foul of the ‘blank stare’ – here’s how to avoid it.
This week we’re tackling a very frustrating problem when it comes to writing content, particularly content where you want to engage your reader.
It’s called the ‘blank stare’. Now I know that might sound strange because you’re probably not sitting face to face with your reader when they get this content. But you can certainly feel the blank stare when you Hit Publish. It might look like this:
- You send out an email newsletter, ask for a response and no-one replies
- You launch a new product, send a link to your sales page and get no bites
- You send out a brochure or pitch about your services and no-one calls you back
That my friend is the equivalent of a content ‘blank stare.’ People are reading your content, but you get the feeling that they don’t really ‘get’ the wonder of what you do. Annoying.
I’m going to give you 2 questions to answer, and 2 key areas to focus on before you Hit Publish to help you beat the blank stare and increase your audience engagement.
Tune in to find out:
- Why the very expertise your customers love, can hold you back when trying to sell what you do
- The 2-step writing habit you need to develop whenever you write about what you do (most businesses stop at step 1)
- How to use these 2 steps when writing about who you are and what you do to reveal elements that really captivate your readers