No. 041 The 3 Elements You Must Have Ready at Launch

Whether you are launching a brand new show or you are looking to gain some much-needed attention with a relaunch of your existing show, having a launch plan for your podcast is essential.
Don’t have a launch plan for your podcast? Jerod and Jonny have you covered with The Showrunner 15-part podcast launch plan.
In this episode, Jerod and Jonny discuss the first three steps of their 15-part plan. They dive deep into the essential elements all podcast websites need, having a call to action, and how many shows you should have at launch.
Launching a podcast is not easy, but it is simple (with the right plan).
In this episode we discuss:
- Jerod reads the introduction of a mystery book (and wants to send you a copy)
- How to remember the pluralization of call to action
- Why your website doesn’t need to be perfect (but it does need to be live)
- How to determine how many episodes you need to go live
Today’s Podcast Recommendation:
- Note to Self: Why You Should Care About LEGO and Creativity
- Podcast Game Show: Starring Jonny Nastor!
The Show Notes:
- Showrunner.FM, sign up for the email list, learn the four essential elements of a remarkable podcast
- Jerod on Twitter
- Jon on Twitter
Listen, learn, enjoy …