Launch-Day Bonus: The Power of Teamwork and Collaboration

Earlier today, the pilot launch of The Showrunner Podcasting Course went live. Late last night, on the eve of the launch, weary-eyed but still enthusiastic at 10:30 p.m., we took a short break from course prep to hop on Skype and share a few thoughts about the power of teamwork and collaboration.
Shortly after our chat began, the podcasting gods gave us a clear sign that we should end the call and resume working. So we did. But to make this bonus episode a true bonus, we decided to give you a sneak peek at one of the bonus interviews inside of the course …
This episode ends with a short snippet of Jon’s interview with Jared Easley, who you may know from Starve the Doubts and Podcast Movement.
Jared is a king of collaboration, so a piece of his interview was a perfect fit for the appreciation that we are feeling for all of the collaboration it took to get the course off the ground.
Enjoy. (And if you want to check out the pilot launch of the course, hop on the Showrunner email list below.)