Announcing: A Breakthrough Educational Collaboration between Copyblogger and U.C. Davis

In the explosion of online courses and education … what role will universities play? Announcing a new Copyblogger collaboration …
A lot of people see online education as either something created by universities (for example the MOOCs) or by companies (like Rainmaker Digital).
But the folks at U.C. Davis Extension approached the Copyblogger team to talk about a collaboration — and it’s finally here.
In this 25-minute episode, Sonia Simone talks with James Garvin on the U.C. Davis Extension team about:
- The evolution of online education and the elements that make it work
- The strengths and challenges of online education
- For those of us who create online education: balancing business and learning
- The increasing demand for up-to-date content marketing education
- Predictions for education that will be more personalized to the individual learner
- More details about the Copyblogger-U.C. Davis collaboration!
IMPORTANT NOTE: U.C. Davis has given us a discount code for this course — it’s COPY50. This gets you 50% off the course — but only through August 31, 2016.
The Show Notes
- The course: The Strategy of Content Marketing (remember to apply your discount code!)
- Ask Sonia a question or follow her on Twitter @soniasimone!