Introducing Copyblogger Radio
After years of saying we’re going to do it, we’re doing it — a Copyblogger weekly podcast (that we won’t be calling a podcast). It’s Internet Marketing for Smart People Radio, and it’s designed to help tie together the things we talk about on Copyblogger into a coherent strategy you can use to build your business with online marketing.
The show is hosted by Robert Bruce, our copywriting poet and resident raconteur, and will feature appearances by me, Sonia, and the occasional special guest. Each week we’ll dig into current happenings in social media, content marketing, and SEO, while also exploring the fundamentals that drive smart Internet marketing.
In this episode Robert and I discuss:
- The harsh realities that can hold you back and delay your success
- The truth about authentic online marketing
- What matters first and foremost for effective Internet marketing
- The single skill that gets you traffic, subscribers, and sales
- How to avoid getting your content strategy wrong
- Where to find profitable products to sell
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Want to discover the smartest ways to mix social media, content marketing, and SEO? We’ve got you covered with Internet Marketing for Smart People. It’s a FREE 20-part course and email newsletter that delivers the techniques and strategies you need to know as an online marketer.
Links from the Show:
- Free Internet Marketing for Smart People Email Course
- The 7 Harsh Realities of Blogging for Bucks
- The “What Not to Wear” Guide to Breakthrough Blogging
- The Harpoon or the Net: What’s the Right Copy Approach for Your Prospects?
About the Author: Brian Clark is founder of Copyblogger and CEO of Copyblogger Media. Get more from Brian on Twitter.