Seth Godin on Blogging, Business Books, and Creating Content that Matters

The man.

The myth.

The legend.

All hyperbole aside, season two of the Internet Marketing for Smart People radio show kicks off with author, entrepreneur, and prolific blogger Seth Godin.

A lot has changed since Seth pioneered effective email marketing in the mid 90s. And he set the standard for many of us when he switched to blogging over a decade ago.

But perhaps the most striking changes have rolled over the book publishing industry — an inevitability Seth foresaw even as he cranked out one best seller after another.

Today, you’ll hear about all of that, and much more.

In this episode Seth Godin and I discuss:

  • How Seth writes (kinda, well, you’ll see…)
  • Why Seth’s blogging style is totally irrelevant to your blogging success
  • Is the traditional business book still relevant?
  • Are rich, interactive eBooks better than text-only eBooks?
  • Why The Domino Project is only publishing short manifestos
  • Seth’s simple advice for writers struggling to ship
  • Why now is the time to do something that matters

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About the Author: Brian Clark is founder of Copyblogger and CEO of Copyblogger Media. Get more from Brian on Google+.