How to Launch Your Digital Product the Right Way
How do you get people to buy what you sell?
Tony and Chris discuss the proven launch approach that will give you the best chance of success, without resorting to those sleazy sales techniques we all try to avoid as customers.
In this episode Chris and Tony reveal:
- What a good launch entails
- The technical components of a Minimum Viable Launch
- How to construct a winning sales letter
- Compelling elements of a crushing offer
- The iterative launch process and what to expect
How to Launch Your Product the Right Way
Tony Clark: The Mainframe is brought to you by Authority Rainmaker, a carefully designed live educational experience that presents a complete and effective online marketing strategy to help you immediately accelerate your business. Don’t miss the opportunity to see Dan Pink, Sally Hogshead, punk legend Henry Rollins, and many other incredible speakers live … not to mention the secret sauce of it: building real world relationships with other attendees. Get all the details right now at And we look forward to seeing you in Denver, Colorado this May. That’s
Welcome everybody, this is The Mainframe. I’m Tony Clark, the COO of Copyblogger Media and I’m here today with my co-host Chris Garrett, the CDO of Copyblogger Media.
And today we are talking about launching your product the right way. How are you doing Chris?
Chris Garrett: I’m doing great. I’ve been experimenting with my coffee and I’m still getting it wrong. But I’m ready to go.
Tony Clark: Yeah, it’s an art and a science altogether, getting it right.
Chris Garrett: Yeah, you need to come over here and show me how to do it properly.
Tony Clark: I know, I know. I have shown you all the videos. The lessons are how to fish Chris. You are going to have to fish yourself.
Chris Garrett: Oh well, that just means I’m going to drown, I think.
What a Good Launch Entails
Tony Clark: In the last episode we talked about the pre-launch, getting ready for the launch, which was really warming up the list, getting everybody excited, building the hype. So now on this episode, we are going to talk about the launch.
What does a launch entail?
Chris Garrett: There are two aspects to a launch. There is the technical side, and then there is the strategy or tactical side.
The technical side involves setting up everything that you need so people can buy from you. And then there is the marketing and strategy side, where you need to set up your launch so that it appeals to people, they know what to do and so that it makes sense to them.
Tony Clark: Right. So you want to keep it simple but really those two aspects have to work hand in hand for it to really be an effective launch.
Chris Garrett: Yeah, we look at launches from people that have been doing this for 20 years and we think we have to have all this complexity, we have to have all these moving parts and all these systems. And people overload with logistics and they stress out. It can be really scary anyway and then adding all that complexity just makes it even worse.
Instead of stressing out, really what you need to do is just focus on the most important aspects, the bits that are actually going to make it work for you, and then it’s going to work well and you can improve over time. It doesn’t have to be everything all at once, in the first launch.
Tony Clark: Right. And focusing on doing it the right way, an ethical, non-sleazy way. Not being one of those scummy launch people, but launching a quality product to your audience and the steps to do that effectively.
Chris Garrett: Yeah, one of the things that we’ve seen a lot with these sleazy high-pressure launches, is they tend to have high refund rates anyway. So it’s not like this system is going to make you less money, it’s probably going to long-term make you more money and the reputation that you build through doing ethical and simple launches, is going to grow that business over time. In this podcast we’ve stated all along that you need that goodwill, you need that engagement. You don’t want to just get some short-term cash in the bank and then find out you have burnt out your list, you have burnt out your reputation and nobody wants to work with you anymore.
Tony Clark: Yeah, it’s really hard to recover from that, but it’s very easy to build off an authoritative approach where you are seen as an expert who’s really providing value. And you can continue to grow that and build that over time, using it to build an asset that allows you to continue to grow over time and continue to cash in off that asset as it grows and as you continue to gain momentum.
Chris Garrett: Yeah, it’s all about long-term thinking and about what’s best for your audience, while growing your business. All of these bad launches that we see, I think are due to short-term thinking. It’s about trying to get cash. Trying to focus on the money, instead of thinking “What’s the best customer experience and what’s going to build awareness in a positive way?” Rather than “Who’s this sleazy guy? Who’s this con artist? What’s he doing this time.”
And actually the US government has cracked down on a lot of the things that they used to use, but it’s still out there and people still get caught. So I’d rather have a positive reputation, even if it means selling less this time, because you know over time it’s going to grow.
Tony Clark: Yeah, I always say that hustling is sexy when you are young, but nobody likes an old hustler. So eventually you are going to have to build something that can sustain itself, aside from constantly hustling.
Chris Garrett: Yeah, I’ve always done pretty well for myself, even though I’ve lacked confidence, and I don’t feel like I have hustled a day in my life. You don’t have to hustle.
The Technical Components of a Minimum Viable Launch
Tony Clark: All right. So let’s start with what I guess is the easiest thing because you can start to assemble these pieces. So let’s start with the technical side of things. The actual pieces you need to do a launch.
Chris Garrett: It probably sounds counterintuitive because you are listening to a couple of nerds, but actually you don’t need a lot of technology. So, there are a lot of people out there selling products and systems that are all about building these really complicated launch funnels, and they can be useful. It can be a good thing to have that technology, but what we are going to talk about today is the Minimum Viable Launch. And the technical pieces you need for that is a sales page, to tell people what your offer is, and they need some way of checking out, or registering, so essentially an order form, right? You need some sort of payment mechanism.
You can start with PayPal and that works in many, many countries. It’s easy to set up, you don’t need any forms to fill out and meetings with your bank manager.
Then you need some sort of a thank you page, and either the thank you page is your download page, or you need some sort of download or information page.
So if we walk through that, think in terms of the customer experience. You are going to send people to the offer. You are going to say, “Okay, it’s ready to buy.” Where do you send them? You have to send them to a page that explains what you are giving people, and we will go into detail what that has to contain. But for now, it’s just a page, a web page and then some way of taking their money. Accepting their cash. And then after you have accepted the cash, you have to deliver the product. It’s very simple.
So in terms of what we do, we might use WordPress pages, and Rafal will do a really nice design job, or we’ll use Rainmaker, which has got landing pages built in. And it’s also got the checkout process all built in.
Just think in terms of the experience that you would like to see as a customer. You’d like to have it explained, put your money in and then get what you have purchased. You don’t need lots of complicated technology at this stage. For your first launch just focus on pleasing the customer.
Tony Clark: Right, and we’ll go into some more of the technical stuff in later episodes, but that’s really for more advanced things that you have already done.
I think a lot of people get hung up here and they spend a lot of time, you know, it’s like when you are getting started building content, even with a blog. Too many people get caught up in adding plug-ins and tweaking things, and making changes to themes and colors, and they are not actually developing content.
We are talking about the same thing here. You don’t want to get caught up in spending all your time trying to learn the technology or do all this. You want something that will allow you to focus on the launch content itself, so you actually get to the launch, versus spending days and weeks trying to figure out how to get everything set up and what plug-ins are better and what’s this, that and the other and it’s actually delaying the launch.
Chris Garrett: That’s all optimizations that you can do later, when you are already making money. Let’s get you to the first few dollars first, and then you can focus on all that optimization later.
Tony Clark: Yeah. I know personally, people who have made hundred’s of thousands of dollars from launches that were really a static blog page with a PayPal button, and nothing more than that. And then the download was actually delivered via PayPal.
If you really have a quality product, and you have a good offer, the technology becomes less important and one of the things that we have focused on on the Rainmaker Platform is kind of letting that technology get out of the way. Because you don’t want to spend so much time assembling things that you are not actually getting to the launch.
So even though we are talking about the technical pieces, really we are talking about, like you said earlier, the minimum technical pieces you need to get your launch going. And then later on we’ll talk about more advanced things, once you are actually starting to generate income from your product.
Chris Garrett: Yeah, my coaching program was launched with my Gmail account, a web page, PayPal and a Dropbox. And that was it. I didn’t even have a membership site for that, at that point in time, and it paid my mortgage. So you know, we do love geeking out about this stuff but you don’t have to. You definitely don’t have to start that way.
How to Construct a Winning Sales Letter
Tony Clark: But one thing you definitely need, one of the most important things is a sales page. So let’s talk about that a little bit. The sales page and what it needs to contain.
Chris Garrett: Copyblogger was actually founded on the idea of copywriting, so obviously it’s important, and it’s been developed over decades, so if you want to really geek out about this aspect, there is a lot of content out there. But really it comes down to three questions that the customer is going to need answering.
- Here’s what we have.
- Here’s what it will do for you.
- Here’s what to do next.
And that formula works even if it’s an opt-in page, because that’s still a sales page. An opt-in page, a subscription page, you are selling them, even though you are not asking for money, you are selling them on the concept of the idea of opting in. And actually there is friction in opting in, in that you don’t want to have your inbox overflowing.
So anytime you are trying to sell something, it’s a good idea to think about how you are going to get across what you have, what it will do for them, and what to do next.
I’ll tell you why these pieces are really important. “Here’s what we have” is important because you have to tell people what you are offering, but you have to get their attention very quickly. Something like 15 seconds.
The second part, “What it will do for you” is people don’t really care that your ebook is 300 pages. What they want to know is the outcome or transformation. You know, the difference it’s going to make, how things are going to be better once they have consumed what you are selling them.
And the piece that everybody misses out when they first start getting going is, what to do next.
You have to explain exactly what the process is, what they should do next, the button to press, because if you don’t tell people exactly what to do we are busy, distracted, maybe not very bright, we need to be told what to do.
Tony Clark: So what you end up doing is helping people walk through the offer. It’s similar to what you would do face-to-face, in person, when you are making a sale. And good copy is a narrative that walks people through every step, so there is no confusion about what it is you are trying to give them, what it is you are trying to provide to them and what they need to do to get that.
Chris Garrett: It’s possible they might not know very much about who you are, so part of what your offering is why you are the person to offer that.
You might have to explain who you are, your experience, your capabilities but you need to do it in a way that makes sense to them. It’s not about you. None of this is about you at all. It’s about them. It’s about where they are now, where they want to be and how your solution is the right one for them. And in part of that, if you have to explain yourself, that’s fine, but do it in the context of what’s valuable for them to know to make the decision.
Tony Clark: Right. You really have to get them to feel that they are the buyer. You are trying to project this image of “this is for you.” It helps weed out people and get that serious buyers only mentality.
I used to joke about Gill, the terrible salesman on The Simpsons. He talked about how he couldn’t get people to really believe what he had to offer was something of value. And that’s really what you are trying to do is, you are just trying to get that value message across and walk them through that entire narrative so they can feel like, “This is for me. This is what this person is offering and this is what result I can get from this, so tell me what I need to do.” So by the time they have completed the copy of the sales page, they are clamoring for, “What do I do next to get this? To get this in my hands. To get this result that you are offering.”
Chris Garrett: Yeah, Gill is a perfect example, if you can visualise Gill. First of all, he’s going in expecting a ‘no’, and then, secondly he’s got that stink of desperation. He’s the epitome of a bad offer because he’s not exuding trust and authority. So take this from somebody who lacks self esteem, you can’t go in projecting anything less than full confidence.
Tony Clark: Right.
Chris Garrett: And you know, when you develop your offer, think in terms of, “I know this is going to work for them. I know this is going to help certain people.” And the people it won’t help, you need to exclude from your offer, through your copy. You really need to filter those people out. You need to focus on the people it will most help, who you can most reach.
If you do that, if you can go in with confidence, then you’ve got a good chance. And don’t be Gill. Don’t be asking for the money. You are trying to help them solve a problem or achieve their goals.
Tony Clark: Right. More Zapp Brannigan, less Gill. That’s really what we are after.
Chris Garrett: Exactly. Or Dr Nick. He’s got confidence.
Tony Clark: Yeah, exactly.
Compelling Elements of a Crushing Offer
Tony Clark: So the real crux of the entire sales page is the offer. So let’s go into more detail about the offer itself, and those things that you want to include in the offer.
Chris Garrett: We already talked about the outcome, the transformation, the solution, it’s all about the end benefit. And we talk about benefits a lot. You know, the sizzle versus the steak. And when you drill down into it, really what the benefits are comes down to ego, health, saving money, making money, productivity. But it’s the transformation in your life that you actually want. Because if you make money, then it’s power or freedom. So what do people really want? You have to drill down into the actual motivations behind that. You have to get to the ‘why?’
So when you are thinking about the outcome, and projecting that, you have to think, what do they really want? And how can I explain that to them? That is paired with the actual deliverables. So you can say, “Through these videos and ebooks, through this coaching, you are going to get this transformation.” And you have to say, “This is the outcome you are going to get through my system, through my product, through my service, and here’s the advantage of doing it that way.” Otherwise you end up with a bullet list of “You get some ebooks, you get some videos and it’s 40 hours long.” Great. Who needs that?
Tony Clark: Yeah, right. So it’s really what you get. The deliverables is more about the outcome and about the benefits of the actual deliverable, versus the physical or digital thing that you are getting.
Chris Garrett: Yeah, so you have to think in terms of “and therefore,” or “which means.” Instead of thinking, “Okay, I’ve got to give them this big box of stuff. I’ve got to show them how much value they are getting in terms of weight.” But it’s actually value to them.
If you have a solution to a problem that’s keeping them up at night, they would be quite happy with that solution written on the back of a postcard. You don’t have to give them 300 pages and 40 hours of video. What they actually want is to achieve their goal or solve their problem and you’ve got to say, “This is the mechanism through which I am going to do that for you.”
Tony Clark: Right. So you get their focus back on the benefit of what it is you are offering.
Chris Garrett: Yeah, or the pain of the problem, and there is the relief that your solution is going to give them.
Building Desirability into Your Offer
Tony Clark: Okay, so now we’ve painted this picture of what it is you can provide, the benefits of that, and what it gives to the person who is purchasing it, the end result. The relief of pain, or the gain of the pleasure and what are the other items we want to make sure we include in this offer, so it’s completely well-rounded, everything is right there, clear black and white so there is no ambiguity?
Chris Garrett: Yeah, and this is why we get into the long copy because even though the priority items, what it’s going to do for them, and how we are going to deliver that, there is some supporting items here that can really help.
So the first one might be bonuses. Two good reason to have bonuses that’s excluding the perceived value. So perceived value is an obvious benefit of a bonus. But one is to stress objections that people might have in their mind, and adding bonuses during the launch is a valid way of saying, “Okay, this objection keeps coming up. I need a bonus that is going to answer it.”
I’ll give you an example of a bonus we started giving for Teaching Sells, one of the courses that we ran, was live coaching calls because we found people were getting overwhelmed and they wanted it simplifying, and they wanted their hand holding. So we did live coaching calls. And that matched that objection.
The other part of the bonus for you is, you can take bonuses away because they are not part of the core offer. That increases the urgency and scarcity, and we are going to talk about that a little bit in a second.
So you can have bonuses that appear and disappear and that is a really good part of your flexibility within a launch.
Now obviously the next thing you need to talk about is the price. But actually price is part of the offer and you can have staged pricing. So you can increase a price as part of the launch, also you can have different packages within a launch. And if it’s your first launch, you might be nervous about how to price it. So having different pricing levels allows you to hedge your bets a little bit and maybe have different price points for different segments, different price points for different price sensitivities, or you may be able to experiment with pricing.
But one of the things that you really absolutely have to have is that guarantee, or some people call it a risk reversal, so that people are 100% confident of taking up your offer, knowing that if it doesn’t work out for them, they can get their money back.
And you need to be generous with this. There are some unethical people that will take advantage of you. There always will be. But you have to focus on the good guys. The good, nice people. The people who you really want to attract and you know that they are all about getting the outcome, rather than ripping you off.
Tony Clark: Right, because they are going to do it anyway and it’s much more cost effective to provide a refund than it is to handle the chargeback. So somebody who’s out to get you, or trying to get this, they are going to do it one way or another by being generous to those that are the ethical people and really maybe need some time to make sure that this is right for them. You’ve really cemented that authority of, “I have true belief in this, so I am willing to give you 30 days or whatever to decide for yourself.”
Chris Garrett: Yeah and don’t do the thing of saying, “Okay, I’m going to give them 120 days” because they’ll forget that they have even purchased it. That’s not a nice thing to do. Focus on you being ethical and attracting ethical people.
The last thing you are going to need is proof, and if it’s your first launch, you might not have a lot of proof. But wherever you can get some proof and some evidence that the thing works, it will all help.
So have you consulted for people in the past? Can you get some reviews? Whatever you can do to get case studies, testimonials, is going to really help, because a lot of people are going to go into your offer not necessarily 100% trusting you. Or they might need to know that it’s going to work for people like them. So it’s one of the major objections. Anything you can do to add proof is going to help a great deal.
Adding Urgency and Scarcity
Tony Clark: Cool. One of the things that we talk about a lot with launches is that sense of urgency and getting people to buy now, and we know how effective it is. I mean, it works on us. TeeFury sends me the daily t-shirt and I jump on it immediately if I want it, rather than wait because I know it’s going to be gone by tomorrow.
So that sense of urgency and building that need to go ahead and purchase now, make that call to action right at this moment, buy now, don’t wait, let’s talk about that a little bit more because that’s a key part of having an effective launch.
Chris Garrett: Yeah, you need to get them to a yes/no decision, but a yes/no decision they have to make soon. And we all know what happens when somebody says, “I’m going to think about it,” they don’t buy. So the two mechanisms here are urgency and scarcity.
Urgency is time pressure. Scarcity is “it’s going away.” It’s either a countdown because there’s only 12 available, ten available, six available, or it’s scarcity in that there is a limit, only so many people can get in, or you are taking bonuses away.
You know the perfect example is a live training, where there is only 100 seats, and it happens on a certain date and a time. That’s urgency and scarcity built right in. And that’s the best kind of urgency and scarcity when it’s actually built in to the offer. It makes sense. It’s absolutely legitimate.
The fake scarcity, “Oh, we just happened to have found another 100 ebooks behind the couch,” leaves a bad taste.
Tony Clark: And people can sniff that stuff out. You are not fooling anybody. It makes sense to allow a certain number of people into a program, even a digital program, because there is work involved, whether it’s forums, or coaching calls. You can legitimately say, “We are only letting 100 in or 500” because of the audience that you can actually handle. So that’s a legit approach, versus like you said with the ebooks. They are limitless, so there really is no way to legitimately say, “My download limit is this amount” or something.
Chris Garrett: Yeah, I was hearing about a franchise the other day and they limit by geography because they don’t want people overlapping. That’s a legitimate reason. But you know, “we happened to find 100 ebooks,” that’s not so legitimate.
So if you have got like one-to-one personal contact or you want to get a small coaching group for the intimacy, that’s a good reason. And it has to be ethical, it has to be authentic and it has to make sense. It has to give people an idea that not only you are a good person, doing a good thing, but also, “Okay, yeah I accept that and I’ve bought into it” because they are making a decision based on this information, so don’t try to pull the wool over their eyes.
The three major reasons. Price increase, so it could be that you have dropped it $100 just for one week and then the price is going back up, or it could be “Okay, we’ve got through the first couple of launches, we are going to put the price up forever.” That often works very well. Obviously you haven’t got a lot of flexibility because you are dealing with a price. Once you have done that, you’ve set a floor in people’s minds.
Tony Clark: But also for future launches that’s a truly legit thing because if you are following this Minimum Viable Product and you are adding to it, you are continuing to add value to the product. So it makes sense that a year from now, or six months from now, the product is going to cost more because there is more stuff to it because we have now added to it and we have made it better. We keep making it better and keep giving it new features and more content or whatever. So it is a legit approach to increase your price over time because the product is getting better.
Chris Garrett: Yeah, and the people who were around for the first announcements will remember the first few people get the best deal because they have to give feedback, so they knew the price was going to go up.
The next one is bonuses going away and that’s when they are fast action bonuses or the first 20 people get this bonus. That’s legitimate as well, but people tend to know that you are doing that for urgency and scarcity. It is good to reward people for taking action and making the decision, so it’s another thing you can do. It’s another tool in your box.
The last one is, you’ll have heard this quite a lot, “Fear Of Missing Out”. And it’s a legitimate fear that people have, which is one of the reasons we are addicted to social media and the news and a lot of reasons why people go to live events. It is that fear of missing out. Missing out in terms of your launch might be, it’s going off the market. Or it might be a live event that they are going to miss out on, or it might be that if they don’t sign up now, they can only get the replays, not the live calls.
Tony Clark: Right, and one thing to keep in mind, this is something that people don’t really know a lot, they don’t see a lot, they don’t experience until they have done a launch, is that once you’ve ended the offer and you have stragglers coming in, a lot of time those stragglers are going to end up being refunds because they didn’t have the urgency to buy when the cart was open. And now they come straggling in later. The refund rate on a lot of those kind of “Okay, we’ll let you in” kind of people, is extremely high. So keep that in mind on the other end of your launch, that when you close it, you should close it. Maybe let a few people in but that sense of urgency is no longer there. They weren’t able to make the decision during that launch period, chances are it’s not right for them anyway and chances are you are going to get refunds. That’s one aspect of the whole urgency thing, people tend to forget.
Chris Garrett: Yeah, and anytime you really pile the pressure on, you are going to have people who feel like they have been persuaded, rather than have made the decision themselves, and they are going to refund at a high rate as well.
Tony Clark: Yeah, and you can use that to analyze the launch itself. It’s part of that analysis process, is the refund rate based on the amount of pressure that they felt, versus they were sold, versus that they bought.
Chris Garrett: Yeah we want people who make the decision and are happy with the decision. Not people that are pressured into it or feel like they were sold.
This is a long-term thinking aspect that we were talking about earlier. Don’t focus on “I need to make a million dollars on this pay day so I can tell all my friends, and be the guy who got a million dollars.” I would focus on, “These are the people I help, and these are the case studies, and these are the outcomes that they saw.”
Preparing for the Next Launch
Tony Clark: Right. So we have that process of doing a launch. So you open the cart. “It’s open. Everybody come buy. Here’s the offer.” Close the cart. It’s over. We are done.
And then the third piece, which is really in my opinion, one of the most important pieces for an ongoing product in an organization is looking at, analyzing and optimizing for the next launch. Preparing for the next launch. That post-mortem period.
Chris Garrett: Yeah, what did you do well? What did you not do so well? How many people did you have in the waiting list? How many people converted? ie. How many people purchased? And, what Tony said earlier, the refund rate. We don’t want to anticipate refunds but they are a fact of life. People’s life situations change. Their job situations change. Their credit cards could have problems. They might not have told their spouse that they were buying this thing.
Tony Clark: Or their parents.
That was something, it was hilarious what we would find with Teaching Sells, we would actually have college students and even high school students at some point that would get their parents credit card and order Teaching Sells. And really it doesn’t matter the age, I mean if you can write the content and produce it, anybody can build a real business built on the Teaching Sells model. So we did have these students buying and then their parents saying, “Well, they never really had my permission to buy this.” So those are legit refunds and it’s a positive thing when you are getting legitimate refunds because it is people that this really wasn’t for. And if you can keep that refund rate low, your refunds are truly not your customer. People that, “I thought this was one thing but it was wrong.” Which goes a way to look at the next time you do the launch, how do you tailor that offer to make that a little bit more clear, so you are weeding those people out before hand, because again, not everybody is your customer.
Now if you have a really high refund rate, then you need to really look at your launch copy, the offer you are providing and then the product itself. Is it really doing what you said it’s going to do? But you know, always count on some refunds and use that as a metric to determine, to dial-in the offer better, the product better and then those other refunds are really just people that their situation changed or it wasn’t right for them.
Chris Garrett: Yeah. And another thing you are going to see in almost every launch is, a certain amount of sales on the first day, when you make the announcement that the cart is open, and then a lot of sales on the last day, when you announce the sale is over and the cart is closing. And the dip in the middle. And part of the optimization process might be, “What can I announce, or say, or do in the middle of the launch to make a little bump in the middle?” so it’s not a lull.
So think about pairing what we were just saying about refunds with this lull in the middle and having some sort of bonus announcement in the middle. Mid-launch you can say, “Here’s a bonus. An unannounced bonus, to sweeten the deal, to make it even more awesome” and if you can strategically make it work along with one of the objections or one of the refund reasons, it will go really well to keeping people around.
One of the objections might be, “I need checklists. It’s too complicated and I can’t listen to you and make notes.” So give them checklists and notes and flow charts, so they don’t have to be sat there with a pencil while they listen to you. It’s a reason they don’t like it, so help them like it.
Tony Clark: Yeah and it just goes along with everything else we’ve covered so far in this podcast about starting out with something that is minimal but valuable and doing your launch the same way. Analyzing how well it is doing, listen to feedback and then adjust accordingly for the next time. So on your product, on your audience and on your launch, you follow these steps. It’s iterative, you look for patterns, you look for feedback and you adjust accordingly and it continually gets better over time.
Chris Garrett: Exactly.
3 Takeaways
Tony Clark: So we’ve covered the bulk of the launch, so what are the main takeaways here for how to make a launch and do a launch the right way?
Chris Garrett: Even before we get to this point, you need to have a warm list. You need to have that engagement and that goodwill, so go back to the previous episode, episode three and make sure you have done the pre-launch. And when you know you are ready, when you have got that waiting list, and you’ve got that buying pressure and people are asking you when you are going to open, then you know you can do the three emails. The carts opening, it’s open, it’s closing. Three emails.
Next you have got to make sure you’ve got that urgency and scarcity, at the very least a reason to buy now, rather than to go away and think about it. You should go for a yes or a no, versus I’m going to think about it.
And then lastly, that launch isn’t everything. It’s not your one shot. Don’t think about it as being your only chance. You are going to be wanting to launch over and over again, so measure and optimize, and make sure each time you launch you improve. Make sure each launch you try something new and try to beat the previous launch.
Tony Clark: Right and that’s really building an evergreen sales machine, which is what we are going to cover in the next episode.
So thank you everyone for joining us today and we will see you next time.