How to Stir Up Reader Interest by Dishing Out Your Ideas

This week, I’m excited to share one of our newer shows with you: Zero to Book. In this episode, Jeff Goins and Pamela Wilson discuss reader feedback, exceeding expectations and three ways to apply the principle of generosity breeding reciprocity.


As they discuss, your existing audience helps you in two ways: they provide feedback on the ideas you plan to write about, and they build anticipation for your book.

But for the feedback to come in and the anticipation to build, you have to be willing to share your ideas.

Some authors hesitate to reveal their thoughts for fear of someone else “stealing” them and publishing them before their book is released.

But there are costs for not sharing your ideas, and there are distinct benefits to taking the risk and putting your ideas out there. For one thing, it’s a chance to begin exceeding people’s expectations of you.

If you liked this episode, be sure to subscribe to Zero to Book!


The Show Notes