How to ‘Steal the Show’ Both Onstage and Off, with Michael Port

In this episode, Chris talks to entrepreneur and world-renowned public speaker Michael Port as they discuss how to prepare for a speech or a presentation and tips on how to steal the show.
Have you ever really wanted to absolutely nail a sales presentation or a speech? Or to know exactly how to bring out your best self in any and every setting?
Here to share how to do just that is Michael Port. Michael is an uber-successful entrepreneur, world-renowned public speaker, New York Times best-selling author, and credentialed actor.
Today he gives us insights on how we, as non-actors, can steal the show in any situation. He tells us how to bring the best version of ourselves in a sales pitch, a speech or in any other important area of life.
In episode 126 of The Youpreneur FM Podcast Michael and I cover the 7 steps for preparing for a speech or a presentation (or any other high-stakes setting), the 5 frameworks to build your speech, write your article or create your presentation. There are so many value bombs dropped on this episode you’ll need to get your notebook out when you listen in!
In this one hour episode Michael Port and I discuss:
- What is the Performer’s Paradox?
- How do you know if you’ve rehearsed enough?
- What’s the best way to overcome stage fright?
- Does he ever get nervous before he takes the stage?
- Should you focus on a strong opening or a strong finish in your speech?
- Much, much more!