Confessions of a Pink-Haired Marketer

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Sonia Simone delivers advice, encouragement, and the occasional rant from outside the drone of the marketing mainstream. Join her for a regular mix of monologues, interviews, and answers to your content marketing questions.
The 2 Points of Clarity that Will Make You So Much More Productive
Read more: The 2 Points of Clarity that Will Make You So Much More ProductiveAre you struggling to make progress on a project, a business, or something in your personal life? Find these two points of clarity for a map out of “the land of Stuck.”
Launching Your First (or Next) Digital Product
Read more: Launching Your First (or Next) Digital ProductReady to launch a digital product? Here’s are the first steps to get you moving …
A Quick, Enjoyable Way to Sharpen your Vision, Goals, and Values
Read more: A Quick, Enjoyable Way to Sharpen your Vision, Goals, and ValuesHow do we know we’re successful? How do we set up the rules of our own game so that they serve us, and give us a more meaningful life?
Q&A from Twitter, Independence Day Version!
Read more: Q&A from Twitter, Independence Day Version!The keys to good sponsored content or native advertising, content for B2B organizations, and how to make connections with the big-audience content publishers …
The Difference Between Mindset and Wishful Thinking
Read more: The Difference Between Mindset and Wishful ThinkingIs an “abundance mindset” the same thing as wishing really hard and making something magically appear? I don’t think it is. Here’s why …
Things I Love / Things I Hate #4: Trade Secrets, Transparency, and Lemonade Stands
Read more: Things I Love / Things I Hate #4: Trade Secrets, Transparency, and Lemonade StandsWhen is it smart to keep your business’s “trade secrets” — and when should you blow them up? How much sharing is too much?